Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Detroit and Chicago

Several months ago on the way to school, Twin B asked where the Metrodome was and I told him it was in Minneapolis.  He then asked if that was in the same state as Detroit. To which Twin A replied "Detroit IS a state." He promptly turned around and said "No it's not Detroit is in Chicago!" As we pulled into the drop-off lane I said that they were worse at geography than I was and Twin A says "wait, isn't that a type of math?" Twin B responded "No, that's geoMETRy" and then questioned "right?" Well at least he got something right.
Fast forward to last night when Twin B had been studying for CRCT.  He walks in the kitchen and tells me I can ask him anything about the states because he knows everything about them.  So I ask "Is Detroit in Chicago?"  His brother walked in about that time and said "No, Chicago is in Detroit."
Twin B says "no it's not because Chicago is a state" then he thinks for a minute and says, "Detroit and Chicago are both states!"
I have decided that prayers might be necessary for the CRCT...

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