Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Have been feeling super blah lately and haven't been able to make myself sit down and read blogs, much less update mine.
I ran my first 5k last weekend.  It was 42 minutes and 56 seconds of pure hell!  It was 86 degrees outside with no clouds in the sky and the sun blazing at 3 in the afternoon.  I think the heat index was around 90.  There was only 1 water station.  My fingers swelled up like sausages and I thought my ring was going to cut off my circulation.  A few times I was actually afraid I might pass out.  I had been training for this for 3 months, but my runs had all taken place early morning or late evening and most were only 2 miles ( I had only completed 3.1 miles twice.)  It was brutal; however, I did finish.  Second in my age/sex division.  There were 2 of us in that division.  I was 48th overall out of 62 and ended up with a medal and a tshirt.  I must be a glutton for punishment because I'm getting ready to sign up for my second 5k.  Hoping to do better this time around.

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