Wednesday, May 4, 2011


I went grocery shopping yesterday.
I have not been grocery shopping in 3 weeks.
Other than to run in for milk and bread.
We have been eating out A LOT.
Which is partially because I have not been grocery shopping in 3 weeks.
But also because we have soccer almost every night.
So I went to the grocery store yesterday.
Without a list.
And Hungry.
Wanna see what I got?
Loaded into the van 
(minus the dog food and cat litter which went into the way back)

pantry items 
(my pantry is not this big and some of this is still on my counter today)

Fridge and Freezer
(barely fit all that in)
My kids love me again...


  1. 5 boys... that'll last how long?! ; )

    no, dont' tell me!

  2. We have 2 pantries in our house. The regular one and then a large stand alone cabinet we call the "snack pantry" because that's where we keep all the snacks for the boys. The regular pantry is still crammed full and there are still a few canned goods sitting on the counter. The snack pantry however is empty!!
