Thursday, April 28, 2011

My Sore Arm...and Detroit and Chicago....

Storms were all around us last night and for the second night in a row, I didn't get much sleep so am heading up early tonight. Fortunately everything passed north and south of us and we had no damage.  
Figured I'd share a quick story first.
Spent a good part of the day trying to figure out why my left arm is so sore.  Feels like I worked out yesterday but it's only the left and not the right arm.  I keep touching and poking and twisting and turning it to see where it is most sore and it finally hit me.  I went shopping yesterday morning at a thrift store half off sale.
You have to get there early or you don't get the best stuff.  You also don't get a buggy (not sure why if I'm in the thrift store or Target it's a buggy but at the grocery it is a cart.)  
I arrived 2 minutes after they opened. All buggies were gone! No big deal I figured, I'm just there to get some shorts for my boys.  As I pulled them off the rack I threw them over my left arm.  19 pairs of shorts later, my arm felt like it was going to break and I headed up to the registers to see if anyone was checking out. Unfortunately only one person was and there were 3 people waiting on buggies, so I went back to shopping.  As I got to the end of the rack, one of the store employees who had been gathering empty buggies just happened to be walking by and asked if I needed one.  Which meant that I could spend another hour in the store! That's about all I could handle.  Between the woman who was talking to herself as she jerked men's plaid shorts off the hangers and held them up to herself to see if they would fit and the woman who was letting her son sit in the floor in the middle of the aisle playing with toys while her daughter rammed the stroller into the clothes racks and the smooshed banana and cookie crumbs all over the floor, I was ready to go.  20 pairs of shorts, 14 t-shirts, a sundress, and half an upper body workout for $65.  Definitely worth it.
11:00...see told ya I was going to bed early!
Edit boys took the Social Studies portion of the CRCT today.  I asked 14 year old Twin B how it went.  He said part was easy and part was hard.  I asked if there was anything about Detroit and Chicago on the test.  He said "no, but guess what? Detroit and Chicago are both cities!" Yes! Finally he's got it. He then went on to tell me "yeah Chicago is in Colorado."  Ok, so maybe he needs some more lessons.
And I need to go to bed.

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